- Dealing with 可能by Judge of ThatI wonder what made J-to-E patent translators start rendering「可能」as “capable of.” I have to admit, though, that in the past I may have done so myself. Still, I’m fairly certain that I’ve never used “capable of” to render「可能」appearing in a claim. Here’s why. Dictionary.com treats “capable of” as an idiomatic phrase that is distinct from… Read more: Dealing with 可能
- How Language Shapes the Way We Thinkby Judge of That“How Language Shapes the Way We Think” from TED talk on YouTube Today on YouTube I watched a TED talk entitled “How Language Shapes the Way We Think.” (Actually, the title on YouTube is written with only the first letter capitalized: “How language shapes the way we think.” This form is referred to as “sentence-style… Read more: How Language Shapes the Way We Think